Hercules Version 3: System Messages: CF: Configuration Processing

This page describes the terminal emulation messages for the Hercules S/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator.


HHCCF001S Error reading file filename line lineno: error
An error was encountered reading the configuration file named filename at line number lineno. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function read_config
HHCCF002S File filename line lineno is too long
The line at line number lineno in the configuration file filename is too long and cannot be processed.
Correct the line and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function read_config
HHCCF003S Cannot open file filename: error
The configuration file named filename could not be opened. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF004S No device records in file filename
The configuration file named filename does not contain any device definition records. Without them, Hercules cannot do any meaningful work.
Specify one or more device definitions in the configuration file and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF005S Unrecognized argument argument
An invalid argument, argument, was specified on the HTTPPORT configuration statement in the file named filename at line number lineno. Only the arguments auth and noauth are valid.
Correct the invalid argument and restart Hercules.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function httpport_cmd
HHCCF008S Error in filename line lineno: Unrecognized keyword keyword
An invalid configuration statement was specified in the file named filename at line number lineno. The invalid keyword was keyword.
Correct the invalid statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF009S Error in filename line lineno: Incorrect number of operands
The configuration statement at line lineno of the file named filename had an invalid number of operands. For all but the HTTPPORT statement, exactly one operand is required.
Correct the invalid statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF010S Error in filename line lineno: Unknown or unsupported ARCHMODE specification mode
The ARCHMODE configuration statement at line lineno of the file named filename specified an invalid architecture. Only S/370, ESA/390, or ESAME are valid. If one of these was specified, then support for that architecture was excluded when the copy of Hercules in use was compiled.
Correct the specified value and restart Hercules. If the message was issued because support for the desired architecture was excluded, then recompile Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF011S Error in filename line lineno: serialno is not a valid serial number
The serial number serialno specified on the CPUSERIAL configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly six digits long, and must be a valid hexadecimal number.
Correct the serial number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF012S Error in filename line lineno: modelno is not a valid CPU model
The model number modelno specified on the CPUMODEL configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly four digits long, and must be a valid hexadecimal number.
Correct the model number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF013S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid main storage size size
The main storage size size specified on the MAINSIZE configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number whose value is at least 2. For 32-bit platforms the value must not exceed 4095.
Correct the main storage size and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF014S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid expanded storage size size
The expanded storage size size specified on the XPNDSIZE configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 0 and 16777215. For 32-bit platforms the value must not exceed 4095.
Correct the expanded storage size and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF015S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid console port number port
The console port number port specified on the CNSLPORT configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid nonzero decimal number.
Correct the console port number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF016S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid threadname thread priority priority
The thread priority priority specified on the xxxPRIO configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number.
Correct the priority on the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF017W Hercules is not running as setuid root, cannot raise threadname priority
A negative value for the threadname thread priority parameter xxxPRIO was specified, but Hercules is not running as the root user (either directly or via the setuid mechanism). This parameter value would cause the priority of the CPU execution thread to be raised above the normal level if Hercules were running as root. Since it is not, however, the parameter will have no effect.
Either specify a positive value to lower the CPU thread priority, zero to not alter the priority, or omit the statement entirely to use the Hercules default CPU thread priority of 15.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF018S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid number of CPUs number
The number of emulated CPUs number specified on the NUMCPU configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and the maximum number (MAX_CPU_ENGS) defined when Hercules was built.
Correct the number of emulated CPUs and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF019S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid number of VFs number
The number of emulated Vector Facility engines number specified on the NUMVEC configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and the maximum number defined when Hercules was built (usually 2).
Correct the number of emulated Vector Facility engines and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF020W Vector Facility support not configured
A request for Vector Facility support was made by the NUMVEC configuration statement, but Hercules was built without the Vector Facility code. The request has been ignored.
If Vector Facility support is desired, recompile Hercules. If not, remove the NUMVEC configuration statement.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF021S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid maximum number of CPUs number
The maximum number of emulated CPUs number specified on the MAXCPU configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number. It must not exceed the maximum number (MAX_CPU_ENGS) defined when Hercules was built.
Correct the MAXCPU parameter and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF022S Error in filename line lineno: epoch is not a valid system epoch
Patch config.c to expand the table.
The system epoch epoch specified on the SYSEPOCH configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be one of the following: 1900, 1928, 1960, 1988, or 1970.
Correct the system epoch and restart Hercules. If a different epoch is desired, a change must be made to the Hercules source file config.c and Hercules rebuilt.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF023S Error in filename line lineno: offset is not a valid timezone offset
The system timezone offset offset specified on the TZOFFSET configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be five characters long, and a valid decimal number of the form (+|-)number, where number must be between zero and 2359 (representing 23 hours, 59 minutes).
Correct the time zone offset and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF024S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid TOD clock drag factor drag
The TOD clock drag factor drag specified on the TODDRAG configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and 10000.
Correct the TOD clock drag factor and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF025S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid panel refresh rate rate
The control panel refresh rate rate specified on the PANRATE configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be either F, S, or a valid decimal number between 1 and 5000.
Correct the control panel refresh rate and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF026S Error in filename line lineno: Unknown OS tailor specification tailor
The OS tailoring value tailor specified on the OSTAILOR configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be either OS/390, z/OS, VSE, VM, LINUX, NULL, or QUIET.
Correct the OS tailoring value and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF027S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid maximum device threads threads
The maximum device threads threads specified on the DEVTMAX configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number greater than -1.
Correct the maximum device threads and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF028S Invalid program product OS license setting permission
The program product OS permission permission specified on the PGMPRDOS configuration statement must be either LICENSED or RESTRICTED. The alternative spelling LICENCED is also accepted.
Correct the program product OS permission and restart Hercules.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function pgmprdos_cmd
HHCCF029S Invalid HTTP port number port
The HTTP server port number port specified on the HTTPPORT configuration statement must be either 80, or a valid decimal number greater than 1024.
Correct the HTTP server port number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function httpport_cmd
HHCCF030S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid I/O delay value delay
The I/O delay value delay specified on the IODELAY configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number.
Correct the I/O delay value and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF031S Cannot obtain sizeMB main storage: error
An attempt to obtain the amount of main storage specified by MAINSTOR failed for the reason described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF032S Cannot obtain storage key array: error
An attempt to obtain storage for the array of storage keys failed for the reason described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF033S Cannot obtain sizeMB expanded storage: error
An attempt to obtain the amount of expanded storage specified by XPNDSTOR failed for the reason described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF034W Expanded storage support not installed
A request was made for expanded storage by the XPNDSTOR configuration parameter, but Hercules was built without expanded storage support. The request was ignored.
Either remove the XPNDSTOR configuration parameter, or recompile Hercules with expanded storage support included.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF035S Error in filename line lineno: Missing device number or device type
The I/O device definition statement at line number lineno of the file named filename did not contain a device number or a device type.
Supply the missing value and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF036S Error in filename line lineno: number is not a valid device number(s) specification
The I/O device definition statement at line number lineno of the file named filename specified an invalid device number number. The device number must be one to four hexadecimal digits.
Correct the device number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF037S Message pipe creation failed: error
An attempt to create a pipe for communication with the control panel failed. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF038S Message pipe open failed: error
An attempt to open the pipe for communication with the control panel failed. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
          A licensed program product operating system is running.
          You are responsible for meeting all conditions of your
          software licenses.
The configuration parameter PGMPRDOS LICENSED was specified and Hercules has detected that the operating system is a licensed program product. This message is issued to remind you that compliance with the terms of the license for your system's software is your responsibility.
Be sure you know what you're doing.
Issued by
losc.c, function losc_check
HHCCF040E Cannot create CPU number thread: error
An attempt to create a new thread for execution of CPU number failed. The error is described by error. The CPU has not been added to the configuration.
Correct the error and retry the operation.
Issued by
config.c, function configure_cpu
HHCCF041E Device address already exists
An attempt was made to define a device at address address. There is already a device at that address.
Either choose another device address, or use the detach command to remove the existing device.
Issued by
config.c, function attach_device
HHCCF042E Device type type not recognized
An attempt was made to define a device of type type. This device type is not supported by Hercules. It may also indicate that the system was unable to load the device handler for the specified device type.
Specify a supported device type. If the device type is supported, make sure the the system can load the load modules necessary for device operations. Either use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or use ldconfig(8) to customize the library search path.
Issued by
config.c, function attach_device
HHCCF043E Cannot obtain device block for device address: error
An attempt to allocate memory for the control block describing the device with address address failed. The error is described by error. The device has not been defined.
Correct the error and retry the operation.
Issued by
config.c, function attach_device
HHCCF044E Initialization failed for device address
The device at address address could not be initialized. The device initialization routine has issued a message describing the problem in further detail; refer to that message for more information.
Issued by
config.c, function attach_device
HHCCF045E Cannot obtain buffer for device address: error
An attempt to allocate memory for the data buffer for the device with address address failed. The error is described by error. The device has not been defined.
Correct the error and retry the operation.
Issued by
config.c, function attach_device
HHCCF046E Device address does not exist
An attempt was made to remove a device at address address. There is no device at that address.
Choose another device address to remove, if desired.
Issued by
config.c, function detach_device
HHCCF047I Device address detached
The device at address address has been successfully removed from the system.
Issued by
config.c, function detach_device
HHCCF048E Device address does not exist
An attempt was made to rename a device at address address. There is no device at that address.
Choose another device address to rename, if desired.
Issued by
config.c, function define_device
HHCCF049E Device address already exists
An attempt was made to rename a device to address address. There is already a device at that address.
Either choose another device address, or use the detach command to remove the existing device.
Issued by
config.c, function define_device
HHCCF050I Device oldaddr defined as newaddr
The device which was previously defined with the address oldaddr has been changed to the address newaddr.
Issued by
config.c, function define_device
HHCCF051S Error in filename line lineno: verid is not a valid CPU version code
The version code verid specified on the CPUVERID configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly two digits long, and must be a valid hexadecimal number.
Correct the model number and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF052S DIAG8CMD invalid option: option
The argument option on the DIAG8CMD is invalid. Valid options are enable, disable, echo, and noecho,
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function diag8_cmd
HHCCF053E Incorrect second device number in device range near character c
The 2nd argument of a device range contains an incorrect device number
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF054E Incorrect Device count near character c
The count field in a device count specification is invalid
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF055E Incorrect device address specification near character c
The first or only CUU in a device specification statement is invalid
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF056E Incorrect device address range. CUU1>CUU2
The first device number of a range is greater than the last device number
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF057E CUU is on wrong channel (1st device defined on channel CC)
At least one of the devices in a device number specification is on a different channel than a previously defined device number within the same specification. All device numbers on a single configuration line must be on a single channel (Group of 256 devices)
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF058E Some or all devices in CUU-CUU duplicate devices already defined
At least one of the device numbers on a device specification statement defines a device number that is already specified on that same statement.
Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_devnums
HHCCF061W ECPS:VM Statement deprecated. Use ECPSVM instead
The "ECPS:VM" statement was encountered. This statement is deprecated in favor of the "ECPSVM" statement.
The configuration statement is still carried out, but the statement syntax should be changed as soon as possible.
Issued by
HHCCF062W Missing ECPSVM level value. 20 Assumed
The "ECPSVM" statement keyword "LEVEL" was encountered, but no numeric level followed it
The default level of 20 is used, and the ECPS:VM feature is made available. The statement should be corrected as soon as possible.
Issued by
HHCCF063W Specifying ECPSVM level directly is deprecated. Use the 'LEVEL' keyword instead
The deprecated "ECPSVM" level syntax form (without the LEVEL keyword) was found.
The ECPS:VM Level is set to the specified value. The configuration statement should be updated to include the "LEVEL" keyword.
Issued by
HHCCF064W Hercules set priority priority failed: error
An attempt to change the priority of the Hercules process to priority failed. The error is described by error. The process priority has not been changed. Hercules overall performance may be impaired as a result.
If performance problems are noted, correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF065I Hercules: tid=threadid, pid=processid, pgid=processgroupid, priority=priority
Hercules thread id is threadid, its process id is processid, its process group id is processgroupid and its execution priority is priority.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF066E Invalid HTTPROOT: error
The pathname specified on your HTTPROOT statement is invalid. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
httpserv.c, function http_server
HHCCF067S Incorrect keyword keyword for the ASN_AND_LX_REUSE statement
The keyword specified for the ASN_AND_LX_REUSE statement is not ENABLE or DISABLE
Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function alrf_cmd
HHCCF068E Invalid value: value; Enter "help scsimount" for help.
The automatic SCSI tape mount value is not "NO" nor a value between 1 and 99 seconds inclusive.
Reissue the SCSIMOUNT command.
Issued by
hsccmd.c, function scsimount_cmd
HHCCF069I Run-options enabled for this run:
          NUMCPU:           n
          ASN-and-LX-reuse: Enabled/Disabled
          DIAG8CMD:         Enabled/Disabled
This message confirms the setting of various run-time options specified in the configuration file at startup time.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF074E Unspecified error occured while parsing Logical Channel Subsystem Identification
A logic error occured while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component of a device number or device number group.
Notify hercules support. This is an error in the hercules parsing routines.
Issued by
config.c, function parse_lcss
HHCCF075E No more than 1 Logical Channel Subsystem Identification may be specified
While specifying a device number or device number group, more than 1 ':' character was encountered while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component. There can be only one Logical Channel Subsystem Identification for a device or group of devices.
Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the hercules engine (depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine).
Issued by
config.c, function parse_lcss
HHCCF076E Non numeric Logical Channel Subsystem Identification XX
While specifying a device number or device number group, a non decimal value was encountered while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component. The Logical Channel Subsystem Identification for a device or group of devices must be specified as a numeric value.
Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the hercules engine (depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine).
Issued by
config.c, function parse_lcss
HHCCF077E Logical Channel Subsystem Identification NN exceeds maximum of 3
While specifying a device number or device number group, a Logical Channel Identification was encountered that exceeded the architecture maximum value of MM. The Logical Channel Subsystem Identification for a device or group of devices must be within 0 and 3 (inclusive).
Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the hercules engine (depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine).
Issued by
config.c, function parse_lcss
HHCCF079A A licensed program product operating system has been detected. All processors have been stopped.
Hercules has detected that the operating system is a licensed program product, but the PGMPRDOS LICENSED parameter was not specified in the Hercules configuration file.
Hercules enters the stopped state. To run this operating system you must obtain a license from the operating system supplier and specify the PGMPRDOS LICENSED parameter in the configuration file. If you are unable to obtain a valid license allowing you to run this operating system on your machine, you must use another operating system (such as MVS3.8J or Linux for System z) which does not require a license.
Issued by
losc.c, function losc_check
HHCCF081I fname Will ignore include errors .
An ignore include_errors statement was encountered in file fname requesting that any include statements subsequently found within file fname which happen to reference include files which do not exist should simply cause a HHCCF084W warning instead of a HHCCF085S fatal error.
Processing continues. This is an informational-only message.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF082S Error in fname line nnn: Maximum nesting level (nn) reached
The maximum number of nested include statements has been exceeded. The include statement which caused the maximum nesting level of nn to be exceeded is identified as statement number nnn of file fname.
This is a fatal error. Configuration file processing is immediately terminated and Hercules startup is aborted. Correct the error and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF083I fname1 Including fname2 at nnn.
An include statement for file fname2 was encountered on line nnn of file fname1.
Configuration file processing switches immediately to processing the statements contained in file fname2. Once all of the ststements in file fname2 have been completely processed, configuration file processing will then return to statement nnn+1 of file fname1. This is an informational-only message.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF084W fname1 Open error ignored file fname2: error
File fname1 contained an include statement for file fname2 which could not be opened because of error.
Processing continues. This is a informational warning only. Check to make sure the filename specified by fname2 was spelled correctly and restart Hercules if desired.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF085S fname1 Open error file fname2: error
File fname1 contained an include statement for file fname2 which could not be opened because of error.
This is a fatal error. Configuration file processing is immediately terminated and Hercules startup is aborted. Correct the possible misspelling of filename fname2 and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config
HHCCF086S Error in filename: NUMCPU nn must not exceed MAXCPU mm
The number of online CPUs nn specified in the NUMCPU configuration statement in the file named filename cannot exceed the maximum number of CPUs mm specified in the MAXCPU configuration statement.
Either decrease the NUMCPU parameter, or increase the MAXCPU parameter, and restart Hercules.
Issued by
bldcfg.c, function build_config

If you have a question about Hercules, see the Hercules Frequently-Asked Questions page.


Last updated $Date$ $Revision$